Thursday, January 7, 2010

Travel Snippets...

Snapshots from a loooong day of travel...

1). A crappy nights' rest because Avery kept kicking me in her sleep. Laura having even less success with Logan and waking up grumpy. I walked Logan around the lobby for 45 minutes just to give the wife 20 minutes of pure sleep....

2). Wondering if we really woke up in Miami. It was 35 degrees at 8am....

3) Wearing the same undergarment for two days straight is Rough. Note the capital "R." It's there on purpose.

4). Deciding NOT to spend $70/$75 to drag 4 tired humans around the Miami Zoo for an hour. So the kids are bored but surviving at the hotel with lots of TV. Yuck...

5). Waiting at the gate at the airport for two hours. Avery exhausted from inactivity, curling up and falling asleep in my arms. You can't beat boredom, can you? It might have been the first time she fell asleep on me since she was 1 1/ was uncomfortable but nice at the same time...

6). Already feeling like a zombie as they close the forward door to the plane. It's supposed to be snowing in Denver and 13 degrees without the wind chill. I'm wearing sandals, shorts and a very light fleece, and it's a 10 minute walk to our car....s'all good.

7) A four hour flight home at flight level 320. An 18-pound butterball in a onesy being passed back and forth between the wife and I....ahhhh who am I kidding, the wife did most of the heavy lifting...

8) Doing a 5 minute dash to the car. 10 degrees. Snow. Frozen toes. Me slip-sliding the wrong way down an airport on-ramp.

9) Feeling happy to be home but happier if I could actually see it. Windshield wipers are crap and I can barely see a thing in front of me with lots of precious cargo in the passenger seats.

10) Collapsing into a freezing cold bed.

The girls were warriors. They put me to shame and handled a brutal travel day with grace. Thank the lord for small favors...

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