Wednesday, January 27, 2010

"Let There Be Yellow....!"

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages. Let me be the first to announce that our first child, Avery Anderson is finally, at long last.....on her way to being potty trained.

God both Laura and I thought she might make it into grade school wearing size 12 diapers. We tried subtle direction, cajoling, small amounts of bribery followed by obscene bribery...all to no effect. Avery Anderson is her dad as a female three year old; cautious and stubborn beyond all reason. But today I am here to announce that era is officially OVER. Today Laura sweetened the pot (pun intended), offering Avery toys, candy and vast, untold riches if she sat her fanny on the potty and lo and behold at around 3:46pm Avery Anderson requested her tush be placed on that most wonderful piece of royal blue plastic where she would be free to "stream at will" and no I'm not talking about the Internet.

By the time I arrived home at about 5:15pm she had already sat her keyster on the can AGAIN...and wonder of wonders, lightning struck for a third time at around 5:28 and 32 seconds I believe, though somehow I wasn't asked to participate in the live "streaming" session. After she dropped some liquid refreshment into her little potty she and mom poured said pee into the real potty and joyously flushed it all away...

Congrads little Avery. This is one small whiz for a little girl. One giant leap for this family. Oh I know there may be setbacks along the way. The road to porcelain is paved with mishaps...but this is a time for celebration, not contemplation. So the above picture is dedicated to you. With your rump making three visits to the plastic goddess in less than two hours you are well on your way to imitating that annoying, incontinent 90 year old uncle that everyone has. You know, the one who stretches minutes into hours, reading the paper cover to cover while sitting on the john till his legs have lost circulation...? That could be you....

You go, girl...

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